Friday, September 12, 2008

Bindi Photo

It's bindi! Bang ziow! I love you Nanna. Hello Grandad. Woof Woof Bindi.

This is Rubens First photoblog post. I'm such a proud daddy!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Back on the Blogosphere

It's been a long time since posting, but we are going to get some more back on here.

It's been a long 2 years! Ruben's Neutropenia really took it out of us, both emotionally and physically.

Add a move away from home to that mess and you've got yourself a big deal.

First: The good news is that Ruben's Neutropenia appears to have just about recovered. We still have the occasional hospital visit but other than that things are awesome. The hospital in Reading where we are now living is much more enjoyable than the mess that is Hull Royal Infirmary, and his treatment is much much better.

Hopefully we will get chance to put some post-dated entries in this blog.. but until then.. Enjoy the new stuff.

If you are reading this, and the blog has no new posts. I emplore you to shout at us until it is updated again. We have no excuse!

Have Fun,
Keep watching the Blog!